On Monday, after p-day, we tried to
see T___. He didn't answer but then we went down the street and saw our classy
85 year-old Pentecostal friend D___, and he is doing well. He surprised me
because his tool shed that we helped clean up was magically off of the sketchy
trailer it had been on and actually looked pretty good! Mom, you need to
forward this picture to Elder G___. His socks will be blown clean off!!!!:)
Anyways, D___ was happy to see us, and his wife was too. We talked about his
brother S___, who is having health issues and isn't "saved," so D___
wants us to help him. We offered service or teaching him, but when they asked S___
he turned it down, which was a bummer. Anyways, at the end of the lesson, D___
randomly started getting off his chair and onto his knees, and it looked like
he was falling or something, only in slow motion. Turns out he just wanted to
hold our hands, bless us with power, and pray, which was pretty nice of
After that adventure, we 'felt inspired' to go get smoothies from Smoothie King. It turned out it was real inspiration, because we talked to the guy who worked there and he was pretty neat. We gave him a Book of Mormon.
After that adventure, we 'felt inspired' to go get smoothies from Smoothie King. It turned out it was real inspiration, because we talked to the guy who worked there and he was pretty neat. We gave him a Book of Mormon.
On Tuesday we taught the S___'s and
E___ all about general conference, and reviewed our favorite parts. We
committed E___ to go back and read/watch the talks once they were posted
Probably the 2 best parts of the
week though were these. First we got to visit with Brother R___ on Friday
morning, and we invited him to a ward cook off that night. Turns out, he came!!
That was a pretty big step for him, because so far he has only really come to
things if he was going to do service for someone, but this time he came just to
have fun and get to know people! It was great!! As for the actual chili and
international dishes Cook off, they had a whole competition and everything.
People made lots of chili, and there were also a couple international dishes.
Best part was... Elder J___ and I were two of the 3 judges! I have a whole new
respect for the judges on Chopped and such, judging is really hard!! There were
some mighty tasty things there. In the end, we decided that the egg roles were
the best, and the Sister who made them was super touched and even cried a
little bit :) It felt good.
With transfers coming up, I guess my
main focus has been on working as if I am staying forever, while trying to
leave things better than I found it. So for my letter this week, I would love
to share a story about one of my favorite people I have been able to teach here.
When Elder G___ and I were together, we met P___. She answered her door and
asked us to pray that she would have confidence to meet with us. We prayed for
her, and in 2 weeks, followed up. This time, she said she had to tell us
something, and broke the news that she was actually a member but she hadn't
been to church in 30+ years. We got to start teaching her, and it was a slow
process. At first she didn't want her records transferred in. Slowly but
surely, she started opening up. Just this last week, we were able to go over
with a great couple and we invited her to church, and yesterday she was right
there beside them, taking the sacrament for the first time in 30 years. It was
a wonderful blessing to be able to see that, and I am so happy for her! This
truly is a work of love.
Elder TooBlessedToBeStressed Branch
(Elder Branch has a friend serving a mission in Russia who sends pictures of Russian cats in his emails most every week. We can only suppose that this is Zac's response to his friend's Russian cat pictures, two North Carolina cats.)
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