Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Oct. 5, 2015 in Greensboro, NC

Hello friends!

Wow, I'm not quite sure what really happened this week, it just kind of disappeared in a flurry of inviting tons of people to conference, and lots and lots of gray skies, rain, no flooding here just a strange, pretty, weird kind of misty shower thing that happens 24/7. It's been really good for our hair though!

We didn't end up getting any one to the church, but we did have a couple different friends who watched it, and we are following up with other friends to see if they watched it on their own. Probably the funniest story was about P___.  She has been reading the Book of Mormon and working on coming back, but she is still nervous to attend with 60 bazillion members there she doesn't know . So we figured that general conference would be perfect because she will be in the church but without the scary crowds! We invited her and she said she would come Saturday morning if she was feeling good. So anyways, we show up, and no P___. So we were kind of bummed, but then Elder B___, a missionary in a different zone, called and asked if we had a P___ in our ward. Turns out she just went to the wrong building!

So conference was absolutely brilliant! I have too many notes and thoughts to share, so I will just share my main part. So I went in to conference with a specific question of "What should I specifically do to improve myself the most currently?" The answer I received during all of Saturday was, "pray and trust the answer you get by the Holy Ghost, it is personal and it is accurate." So I prayed and decided to work on virtue, and just keeping my thoughts totally centered on the work. I asked on Sunday, "What can I do to help direct my thoughts?" My answer came clear as day in talk all about "ponderizing." It was a great testimony of the inspiration and revelation that goes into general conference, and I am excited to start ponderizing all kinds of great thoughts and scriptures!

This week I choose Mosiah 4:30, which says "this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not." Kind of intimidating, but I am excited for the revelation that is going to come! I also loved the testimonies of the 3 new apostles, and I loved how cheerful President Monson always was, despite his obvious health issues. Elder Bednar's talk was absolutely amazing! Elder Holland's was fantastic! And Dieter F. Uchtdorf was absolutely brilliant every single time he spoke (like all 26 of them, ok, maybe just 4).

I'm so glad y'all like the birthday gifts, I was excited for this one! I forgot to put the dog recorder in it, so just imagine me singing happy birthday to you both super, super fast :)

Elder Branch
Elder TooBlessedToBeStressed Branch

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